No, Diamond Tutoring LLC does not have a center. For your convenience all our tutoring takes place either through our virtual tutoring portal or in your home/public location.
We offer three tiers of tutors
1) College Students
2) Recent University Graduates
3) Accredited Teachers or Individuals with 7+ Years of Tutoring Experience
Tutors must have a minimum of 2 year of tutoring experience in the subject they are teaching. Professionals must have either 7 years of experience or be a certified teacher. All tutors must excel and master the subjects they tutor in. Tutors must adapt well and be familiar with different teaching techniques to help their student advance. Tutors are background checked after the interview process to ensure the highest quality tutors.
Every student is unique with different material to cover and varying starting levels. Sessions are typically 60 minutes but they range between 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes in length depending on what works best for your student.
Typically our private tutoring program is designed for individualized one-on-one instruction. However, we do offer group rates for those who wish to learn with a buddy or sibling!
Although we aim to ensure that we find a suitable match for your student, sometimes a match doesn’t work out due to different learning and teaching styles of the student and tutor. If at any point you decide that it isn’t working with your current tutor and you would like to find a new tutor, our managers will be able to assist you with confirming a new tutor.
Algebra 1 & Algebra 2, Biology, and general homework help.
Your selection of tutor level and whether you do in-home or online tutoring will determine the cost of our services. We have different rates attributed to our 3 individual tiers we offer. As you would expect, in-home tutoring will be more expensive than online tutoring. Our full rates are listed in our information packet.
Most clients prefer to purchase in blocks of 5 or 10 hours at a time. However, we don't have any minimum and you can purchase as few as one at a time or as many as you'd like!
To get started with Diamond Tutoring simply create your free account to begin your tutor search. Or, schedule a free consultation call with one of our friendly consultants. Our consultant will give you a call at your selected time. Once we have a tutor confirmed for you we will contact you with information about how to proceed!
Please feel free to email us at or call us at 510-493-7222 if you have any remaining questions!
Diamond Tutoring LLC
United States
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